Paul Davis Restoration of Lancaster & Lebanon Counties

Full Service Water, Fire & Mold Cleanup + Restoration Specialists
Proudly Serving Lancaster clear
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Cleaning Services for Sewer Drains in Lancaster, PA

Severe weather and fires typically pop into mind when many people think about dangerous situations. But many hazards can strike within your own house. Sewage backup is a household issue that can become far worse if neglected. Even if the water flooding the area looks clean, standing water attracts many types of pathogens. Rather than risking your health, call Paul Davis Emergency Services to handle it.

Paul Davis Specialists

Sewage backup is repulsive, but that’s not the only reason to stay away from it. Large and small overflows can bring gray and black water into your home or even bleed disease into your clean water. Even usable water can bring disease in stagnant water. For example, Leptospirosis, E. Coli are a few of the diseases found in sewer water.

Black water comes from past the toilet trap and usually contains or has met with solid refuse. Black water usually holds or has touched solid refuse and stays undisturbed long enough to grow serious bacteria and viruses. Black water can also be found in lake and river water. If you find a black water flood in your residence or storefront, call the Paul Davis Emergency experts promptly.

Paul Davis Sewage Removal

Talk to Paul today if you see a sewage leak. Our experts are highly knowledgeable in handling dangerous chemicals. Reach our Lancaster, PA branch with any questions you may have. Act now to treat the leak. Reach us today to avoid contamination in your residence or business.

How we make a difference for you & your property

Respond Within minutes of calling, our team responds and is ready to work.
Resolve We stop the damage with industry leading tools & experience.
Restore Our certified professionals are skilled in restoring and protecting your location.
Return You will be back to your residential or commercial property in no time.

How we make a difference for you & your property

Respond Within minutes of calling, our team responds and is ready to work.
Resolve We stop the damage with industry leading tools & experience.
Restore Our certified professionals are skilled in restoring and protecting your location.
Return You will be back to your residential or commercial property in no time.
Tan USA Map with major cities of Paul Davis locations Tan USA Map with major cities of Paul Davis locations Mobile
YOUR LOCAL PAUL DAVIS IS HERE FOR YOU YOUR LOCAL PAUL DAVIS IS HERE FOR YOU Our impressive team of restoration specialists will handle returning your property and home back to their pre-damaged state. You can reach out to your local Paul Davis franchise at: Paul Davis Restoration of Lancaster & Lebanon Counties
1816 Olde Homestead Ln
Lancaster, PA 17601

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